Potential Memory Leak
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GoogleCodeExporter commented
I'm a CS grad student working on a static analysis tool to detect memory leaks
in Android. My tool found a potential memory leak in this app based on the
static seederManager field of the SeederManager class. The problem is that if
SeederManager.getInstance(Context context) is called with an instance of
Activity bound to context (which happens in several places, such as in
DesignActivity and SeedersActivity), the static seederManager field will retain
a reference to to the Activity and prevent it from being garbage collected
after its destruction, at least until seederManager is overwritten. It looks
like this should usually happen pretty quickly, so the leak should be very
benign in most if not all cases.
I think two potential fixes are to change
seederManager = new SeederManager(context);
seederManager = new SeederManager(context.getApplicationContext());.
which would prevent the seederManager field from retaining a reference to
Activity context, or to not use the singleton pattern in SeederManager (i.e.,
delete the seederManager field and expose a public constructor), which would
guarantee that the lifetime of the SeederManager instance is the same as the
lifetime of the Activity constructing it. I don't understand the high-level
structure of your app enough to know which of these fixes (if either) is more
My static analysis tool looks at each static field in the program and
determines if there is some instance of an Activity that is reachable from a
static field. If it thinks this might be the case, it explores all possible
program executions that would produce the heap path from the static field to
the Activity instance in an attempt to confirm the leak. The reason it checks
this property is that if the Activity is destroyed, but a static field keeps a
reference to the Activity, the garbage collector can't pick it up, leading to a
memory leak.
What version of the product are you using?
I'm using the source code for version 3.2 of the Android library (Gingerbread)
Original issue reported on code.google.com by sam.blac...@gmail.com
on 8 Nov 2012 at 7:17