Cannot break in referenced projects.
polepage opened this issue · 0 comments
Windows 10
Godot 3.4.4
Visual Studio Community 2022 (17.2)
Extension v2.0.0
My project depends on another C# project, presented as another csproj in the Visual Studio solution. When building the game everything runs fine, both by building in Visual Studio and via the Godot Editor. The code also works well both by starting the project in Godot or in Visual Studio. However, if I place a breakpoint in the code of the dependency library, it is not hit ever.
The referenced project is added as a reference both in the main game csproj (obviously) and in the StubProj project (the workaround to make the exension work). Break points work fine when placing them in the main project code.
Is this a thing that should not work or a bug or is there something that must be done for it to work?