
light2d_as_mask: illuminate benath mask without unmasking

Opened this issue · 2 comments

urzbs commented

Which demo project is affected:

Allow Masking and other PointLight2D sources to illuminate the Sprite2D / Texture from behind (without removing the mask).

A Layer option for the CanvasItemMaterial, so you can decide which lightsource causes it to trigger.


Is this a feature proposal? If the engine does not provide this feature, then the demo can't implement this (or perhaps shouldn't, if it's too complex).

Feature proposals should be made on the https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals repository.

urzbs commented

Hey, I was not sure if godot has already capabilies like this.

So I thought it would be nice to ask first here since this demo is a good starting point to elaborate.

But you are right, the way I have written my issue seems more like a feature proposal.

I am sorry, i can re-create the issue in the proposals repo