
Few nodes' icons missing

bojidar-bg opened this issue · 5 comments

Currently, some nodes are missing their icons. Here is a list, ordered by "relative importance"

Group Nodes
Classes that can be created Tween, CanvasLayer, ParallaxBackground, ParllaxLayer, Tabs, ViewportSprite, InverseKinematics, PanelContainer
Used mostly in editor context GraphEdit, GraphNode, EditorPlugin
Base classes that can be created Container, Range
Base classes that have many inherited classes, but can't exist on their own BaseButton, Seperator, ButtonArray, CollisionObject{,2D}, PhysicsBody{,2D}, SoundPlayer2D, SpatialPlayer, Joint{,2D}, VisualInstance, GeometryInstance, Light, BoxContainer, SplitContainer

Also, great work! 👍

Suggestions for the some of the icons:

  • Tween - Something to represent a transition from A to B. Maybe have a triangle, a square, and an arrow that points from one to the other.. if space allows, I mean 😄
  • CanvasLayer - Probably the CanvasItem icon boxed, or maybe a box with some mountains on it.
  • ParallaxBackground - Multiple CanvasLayer icons layered at different scales and positions. Maybe multiple mountains behind each other, inside a box.
  • ParllaxLayer - Same as in ParallaxBackground, but without the box around.
  • ViewportSprite - Viewport's icon with a blue color and something inside probably.
djrm commented

will check that out

djrm commented

Maybe the abstract classes should not have icons, in that way they look like headers in the node palette

@djrm Agreed, that sounds like a nice idea. I mentioned them just in case ^^

djrm commented

Fixed with 1cbb44e