
Use of sticks position instead of PPM input for bayang protocol

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Is it possible to change input from PPM to directly stick potentiometer.
Reading analog pins and map it to PPM value range.

That's possible, read the comments under this video:

First, remove (comment) the attachInterrupt function call in setup() to disable the PPM input.
At the beginning of the selectProtocol function, set ppm_ok to true instead of false.
Then rewrite the update_ppm function, let's say the throttle pot is connected to A2 (A0 & A1 are already used):
ppm[THROTTLE] = map(analogRead(A2), 0, 1023, 1000, 2000); // and so on for the first 4 channels.
If you want to add switches, in the setup() function declare some pins as INPUT_PULLUP eg:
pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); // aux1 switch connected between gnd & D6
then check its state in the update_ppm() function, eg:
ppm[AUX1] = digitalRead(6) ? 1000 : 2000; // AUX1 = Channel 5

I ll be back after testing

also, if you only want to use the Bayang protocol, in loop(), replace:
current_protocol = PROTO_BAYANG;

It works Great.
Thanks for your work.