Allow backtracking for function calls without parentheses
Addisonbean opened this issue · 1 comments
Addisonbean commented
I am working on a language using Plex, and would like to remove parentheses from function calls. From what I can tell according to this question, doing this would require "backtracing", to allow patterns like this in the parser: Ident(i) exp_list[e] { if ($1 is not defined) { back_and_choose_another_rule(); } }
. Would it be possible to add this, or is there better way to do this that Plex is capable of?
P.s. — I'm new to using parsers so I may have no idea what I'm actually talking about. Sorry if this doesn't make sense!
goffrie commented
Sorry, I don't think this would be very easy to add to plex. It's really not designed for non-LALR(1) grammars.