
html.Engine will stop reading templates after first error

marosiak opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, today I had weird issue, I have registered templates, then seen 1 error in console about one of the templates, but application didn't fail, it worked but didn't load more templates.

3.html // Lets say this template is broken, 4 wont be loaded, but the app will behave like it's ok

How to reproduce?

htmlEngine := html.NewFileSystem(templates.GetFiles(), ".html")
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
	Views:   htmlEngine,

for _, v := range htmlEngine.Templates.Templates() {

now create package names templates and put some html files, then in one of these files put {{ ItDoesNotExists }}
then create .go file with code below:

package templates

//go:embed *.html
var content embed.FS

func GetFiles() http.FileSystem {
	return http.FS(content)

It’d be great if the engine could return an error and let me decide if I want to panic() or run application without some parts working correctly