gfcli build error: [FATA] Error: exit status 128
colorfullee opened this issue · 3 comments
colorfullee commented
Your project is awsome ! Everything is ok when i use go run main.go
, But something confuses me When i finish my project and try to build it, The console throws an error [FATA] Error: exit status 128
Here is my project build config in /manifest/config/config.yaml
name: "gf"
arch: "all"
system: "all"
mod: "none"
cgo: 0
pack: ""
version: "v0.0.1"
output: "./bin"
extra: ""
Project environment(gf version):
GoFrame CLI Tool v2.0.0,
GoFrame Version: cannot find goframe requirement in go.mod
CLI Installed At: /usr/local/bin/gf
CLI Built Detail:
Go Version: go1.17.4
GF Version: v2.0.0-beta
Git Commit: 2021-12-16 01:03:53 9295e29f2b2819faf4acb65d409931d445911faa
Build Time: 2021-12-15 17:03:23
About my OS:
MacOS BigSur
CPU : Intel Core i7 2 GHz
RAM : 16 GB 2400 MHz
I'm looking forward to your answer! Thanks!
colorfullee commented
Build successful by the flowing cmd
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build main.go
upload main file and config.yaml to server, then use the flowing cmd
nohup ./main --gf.gcfg.file=config.yaml &
yss930819 commented
same problem
bmlts commented