
Unconstrained private code access via wget

chenghuzi opened this issue · 0 comments

Gogs version


Git version

  • Server: 2.38.5
  • Client: Not applicable

Operating system

Debian GNU/Linux 11


SQLite 3

Describe the bug

I have a private, unlisted repo hosted on Gogs. I attempted to download a notebook file from my repo. Upon obtaining the raw file URL, I tried to download it using wget. Surprisingly, I was able to download it without any problem, even though there was no authentication in my request. My request was as simple as wget file_raw_url. Note that this bug only appears when downloading private items via the command-line wget; it works as expected with a browser.

To reproduce

  • Create a private repo
  • store some files there
  • get the raw file URL for any private file in that repo
  • run wget -c FILE_URL to download that file with any machine.

Expected behavior

The Gogs server should return some error signal for those unauthenticated requests.

Additional context

No response

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