
Cannot delete wiki page which title containing double quote symbol

pavel-givola opened this issue · 1 comments

Gogs version


Git version


Operating system

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


PostgreSQL 14

Describe the bug

Cannot delete wiki page which title containing double quote symbol ". It's redirecting to the wiki pages list after clicking Delete page -> Yes and the wiki page still appears in the list

To reproduce

Create a wiki page with title containing double quote symbol Test "Word" for example

Expected behavior

Wiki page supposed to be deleted

Additional context

In the list of wiki pages title displayed like Test \"Word\". When go to editing page it's displaying like Test \" Word\"

After editing wiki page a new entry appears (which can be deleted).

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I managed to delete it manually from /gogs-location-dir/data/tmp/local-wiki/ with rm -r 'file.md' and then committed it. But that quite "dirty-hack" solution I think. Would be better to fix the bug I described