
move to cncf-hosted mailing lists

Opened this issue · 14 comments

Dan Kohn reached out and recommended that we move our email discussion to CNCF-managed mailing lists:

I would recommend moving your dev and user mailing lists from Google Groups to lists.cncf.io to make the web interface accessible inside the Great Firewall.

If you're interested in doing so, Ihor would be happy to arrange the migration for you.

I propose we create the following mailing lists:

  • harbor - general community mailing list
  • harbor-announcements - notification of new Harbor releases and major news (low-traffic)
  • harbor-dev - development discussion
  • harbor-maintianers - for the occasional internal discussion amongst maintainers

If there are no objections by 30nov2018, I will begin working with Ihor and Dan to create the mailing lists and decommission the old Google-group-based lists.

ping @goharbor/all-maintainers

Will also need @cd1989 and @nlowe's email addresses. Please ping me on Slack: @james.

nlowe commented

Email sent via slack

Hi @idvoretskyi – can you drop me an email so that we can start working on creating the mailing lists above? Many thanks in advance for your help.

Email sent via slack. Sorry for the late response.


Are these mail lists ready now? When can we use them?

@steven-zou @clouderati not yet - the plan is to finish migration by the end of the week. Apologies for the delay caused by the holidays.

Synced with @clouderati - migration process has started.

Update: @idvoretskyi pinged me earlier today; looks like the migration will be complete by EoW.

This is done, the following groups are migrated:

Thanks @idvoretskyi! We'll get the site updated as soon as the new Netlify integration has been completed,

Updated here as well - goharbor/harbor#7092

Thanks, @jonasrosland!

Work is completed. Close it