
Liveness and readiness probes failing for harbor core, nginx, etc

EsDmitrii opened this issue · 19 comments

Hi all
I noticed that my harbor restarts every 24 hours
I deployed it in HA mode via ArgoCD (helm), Chart version in 1.14.0 (latest)
It using external HA Postgres and external HA Redis with sentinel, and S3 as backend to store data
k8s events:

LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                         MESSAGE
75s         Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn         Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn to WORKERNODENAME
73s         Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn         Container image "goharbor/harbor-core:v2.10.0" already present on machine
73s         Normal    Created             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn         Created container core
73s         Normal    Started             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn         Started container core
95s         Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq         Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq to WORKERNODENAME
94s         Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq         Container image "goharbor/harbor-core:v2.10.0" already present on machine
94s         Normal    Created             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq         Created container core
93s         Normal    Started             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq         Started container core
116s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb         Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb to WORKERNODENAME
114s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb         Container image "goharbor/harbor-core:v2.10.0" already present on machine
113s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb         Created container core
113s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb         Started container core
116s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-core-5848ffc79f        Created pod: harbor-core-5848ffc79f-qwxfb
95s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-core-5848ffc79f        Created pod: harbor-core-5848ffc79f-nzdnq
75s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-core-5848ffc79f        Created pod: harbor-core-5848ffc79f-28ltn
13h         Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-core-779ddc5579-gl68v         Liveness probe failed: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
75s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-core-779ddc5579-gl68v         Stopping container core
54s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-core-779ddc5579-qs5nr         Stopping container core
93s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-core-779ddc5579-r7vjn         Stopping container core
93s         Warning   FailedKillPod       pod/harbor-core-779ddc5579-r7vjn         error killing pod: failed to "KillContainer" for "core" with KillContainerError: "rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: No such container: 736741ff79ff79ec81504d4c9c98355910ed9517354a7cceccce060c72e333b4"
95s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-core-779ddc5579        Deleted pod: harbor-core-779ddc5579-r7vjn
75s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-core-779ddc5579        Deleted pod: harbor-core-779ddc5579-gl68v
54s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-core-779ddc5579        Deleted pod: harbor-core-779ddc5579-qs5nr
116s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled up replica set harbor-core-5848ffc79f to 1
95s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled down replica set harbor-core-779ddc5579 to 2
95s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled up replica set harbor-core-5848ffc79f to 2
75s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled down replica set harbor-core-779ddc5579 to 1
75s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled up replica set harbor-core-5848ffc79f to 3
54s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-core                   Scaled down replica set harbor-core-779ddc5579 to 0
116s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv     Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv to WORKERNODENAME
113s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv     Container image "goharbor/harbor-exporter:v2.10.0" already present on machine
113s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv     Created container exporter
113s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv     Started container exporter
116s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97    Created pod: harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97-vr7rv
75s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-exporter-87cd58f96-4b728      Stopping container exporter
75s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-exporter-87cd58f96     Deleted pod: harbor-exporter-87cd58f96-4b728
116s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-exporter               Scaled up replica set harbor-exporter-6ffc6dcc97 to 1
75s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-exporter               Scaled down replica set harbor-exporter-87cd58f96 to 0
35s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-m79jl    Stopping container jobservice
65s         Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-nw2kw    Stopping container jobservice
3s          Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-q7qsh    Stopping container jobservice
3s          Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-q7qsh    Liveness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
3s          Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-q7qsh    Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
3s          Warning   FailedKillPod       pod/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-q7qsh    error killing pod: failed to "KillContainer" for "jobservice" with KillContainerError: "rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: No such container: 156f5a5605410385a6fb62095e347bf934a95fd3b6a569c4d23e8893ef1fc42e"
65s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b   Deleted pod: harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-nw2kw
35s         Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b   Deleted pod: harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-m79jl
5s          Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-8f577669b   Deleted pod: harbor-jobservice-8f577669b-q7qsh
65s         Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm    Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm to WORKERNODENAME
62s         Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm    Container image "goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v2.10.0" already present on machine
62s         Normal    Created             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm    Created container jobservice
62s         Normal    Started             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm    Started container jobservice
116s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt    Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt to WORKERNODENAME
91s         Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt    Container image "goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v2.10.0" already present on machine
91s         Normal    Created             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt    Created container jobservice
90s         Normal    Started             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt    Started container jobservice
105s        Warning   BackOff             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt    Back-off restarting failed container
35s         Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc    Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc to WORKERNODENAME
34s         Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc    Container image "goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v2.10.0" already present on machine
33s         Normal    Created             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc    Created container jobservice
33s         Normal    Started             pod/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc    Started container jobservice
116s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4   Created pod: harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-4q9bt
65s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4   Created pod: harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-44mmm
35s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4   Created pod: harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4-kw7sc
116s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled up replica set harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4 to 1
65s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled down replica set harbor-jobservice-8f577669b to 2
65s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled up replica set harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4 to 2
35s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled down replica set harbor-jobservice-8f577669b to 1
35s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled up replica set harbor-jobservice-bc77879b4 to 3
5s          Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-jobservice             Scaled down replica set harbor-jobservice-8f577669b to 0
10h         Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-nginx-666b65cd44-9qcg5        Readiness probe failed: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
51m         Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-nginx-666b65cd44-9qcg5        Liveness probe failed: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
8h          Warning   Unhealthy           pod/harbor-nginx-666b65cd44-9qcg5        Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
111s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj        Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj to WORKERNODENAME
109s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj        Container image "goharbor/harbor-portal:v2.10.0" already present on machine
109s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj        Created container portal
109s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj        Started container portal
116s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr        Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr to WORKERNODENAME
114s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr        Container image "goharbor/harbor-portal:v2.10.0" already present on machine
113s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr        Created container portal
113s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr        Started container portal
108s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc        Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc to WORKERNODENAME
106s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc        Container image "goharbor/harbor-portal:v2.10.0" already present on machine
106s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc        Created container portal
106s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc        Started container portal
116s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-portal-c485dcff5       Created pod: harbor-portal-c485dcff5-nmgxr
111s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-portal-c485dcff5       Created pod: harbor-portal-c485dcff5-mmxxj
108s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-portal-c485dcff5       Created pod: harbor-portal-c485dcff5-w8scc
111s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-bftpq        Stopping container portal
104s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-mwbws        Stopping container portal
108s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-s6jlg        Stopping container portal
111s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4       Deleted pod: harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-bftpq
108s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4       Deleted pod: harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-s6jlg
104s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-portal-cf5df54c4       Deleted pod: harbor-portal-cf5df54c4-mwbws
116s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled up replica set harbor-portal-c485dcff5 to 1
111s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled down replica set harbor-portal-cf5df54c4 to 2
111s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled up replica set harbor-portal-c485dcff5 to 2
108s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled down replica set harbor-portal-cf5df54c4 to 1
108s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled up replica set harbor-portal-c485dcff5 to 3
104s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-portal                 Scaled down replica set harbor-portal-cf5df54c4 to 0
107s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p to WORKERNODENAME
105s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Container image "goharbor/registry-photon:v2.10.0" already present on machine
105s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Created container registry
105s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Started container registry
105s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Container image "goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v2.10.0" already present on machine
105s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Created container registryctl
104s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p     Started container registryctl
116s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c to WORKERNODENAME
114s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Container image "goharbor/registry-photon:v2.10.0" already present on machine
113s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Created container registry
113s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Started container registry
113s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Container image "goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v2.10.0" already present on machine
113s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Created container registryctl
113s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c     Started container registryctl
111s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Successfully assigned harbor/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc to WORKERNODENAME
110s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Container image "goharbor/registry-photon:v2.10.0" already present on machine
109s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Created container registry
109s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Started container registry
109s        Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Container image "goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v2.10.0" already present on machine
109s        Normal    Created             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Created container registryctl
109s        Normal    Started             pod/harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc     Started container registryctl
116s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-registry-6959f4b684    Created pod: harbor-registry-6959f4b684-cmx7c
111s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-registry-6959f4b684    Created pod: harbor-registry-6959f4b684-kdlqc
107s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-registry-6959f4b684    Created pod: harbor-registry-6959f4b684-ccs2p
107s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-9k559     Stopping container registry
107s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-9k559     Stopping container registryctl
103s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-scvhk     Stopping container registry
103s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-scvhk     Stopping container registryctl
111s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-zc7hn     Stopping container registry
111s        Normal    Killing             pod/harbor-registry-7d77c95869-zc7hn     Stopping container registryctl
111s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-registry-7d77c95869    Deleted pod: harbor-registry-7d77c95869-zc7hn
107s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-registry-7d77c95869    Deleted pod: harbor-registry-7d77c95869-9k559
103s        Normal    SuccessfulDelete    replicaset/harbor-registry-7d77c95869    Deleted pod: harbor-registry-7d77c95869-scvhk
116s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled up replica set harbor-registry-6959f4b684 to 1
111s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled down replica set harbor-registry-7d77c95869 to 2
111s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled up replica set harbor-registry-6959f4b684 to 2
107s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled down replica set harbor-registry-7d77c95869 to 1
107s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled up replica set harbor-registry-6959f4b684 to 3
103s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-registry               Scaled down replica set harbor-registry-7d77c95869 to 0

What can I check or try to patch?
Appreciate any help!

What kind of storageclass you are using for jobservice pvc?

What kind of storageclass you are using for jobservice pvc?

I use 1Gi of linstor storage, we use our own disk pool for pvc

THX @EsDmitrii
Could you also describe harbor-core, harbor-jobservice, harbor-registry, nginx pod and the related logs if any.

Hi @MinerYang !
I deployed harbor in HA mode: three replicas of harbor-core, harbor-jobservice, harbor-registry, harbor-portal. There no harbor-nginx pod due to I'm exposed it via Ingress.
There no related logs before al components restart, otherwise if I had some log it would be clearer to understand what is going on.
Here are described services:
Core deployment
Jobservice deployment
Portal deployment
Registry deployment

Does you ArgoCD use helm template or helm upgrade/install?

@Kajot-dev hi
Yes, I use custom templating plugin for ArgoCD to template multi cluster application manifests, to take and paste secrets from vault to manifests, etc
In general, in this case I use templating to prepare harbor application to be deployed in the specific cluster, to use specific registry to pull images from depending on the env (prod, dev, etc) and to take some secrets for helm from vault

I checked Argo logs and events earlier, and there are no anomalies like “app unhealthily”, “app not synced”, etc. So there are no actions that can auto sync application and trigger recreating the pods.

@EsDmitrii I'm asking, because there are certain secret values that depend on a lookup function. If it's not available and values are not provided directly it will generate a new ones.

From your logs, it appears that something is changing the resources thus k8s is making new replicas, so I would say it's not strictly a harbor issue, but rather a deployment one. Can you confirm that when you make the deployment 2 times in a row without changing the config, the pods do not restart?

@Kajot-dev sounds interesting
I’ll turn off auto sync to check this theory out
I’ll back with feedback and answers to other questions tomorrow due to I’m have days off

@Kajot-dev hi
You're right!
Somehow Harbor re-generates internal TLS, patch all related secrets and deployments (couple screenshots attached)
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 15 28 57
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 15 29 10
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 15 29 25
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 15 29 40

It is huge access vulnerability because I can't see any SA created for Harbor, any role or role binding that associated with Harbor SA and grants access to modify resources I attached above.
There no related resources to manage access rights for Harbor in the Helm chart.
How does Harbor manage k8s secrets without SA and access to k8s resources granted via roles and role bindings?

It's not managed by harbor but by the helm and in your case the ArgoCD and its ServiceAccount. Since you don't use helm install but a custom templating, not all helm features are available and it cannot retrieve existing resources/secrets to reuse them. For instance look at the line regarding secret field in the core's secret:

{{- if not .Values.core.existingSecret }}
  secret: {{ .Values.core.secret | default (include "harbor.secretKeyHelper" (dict "key" "secret" "data" $existingSecret.data)) | default (randAlphaNum 16) | b64enc | quote }}
{{- end }}

First, it'll use existingSecret and this feature does not require lookup function so you can use it. Then, the usual procedure begins: If set, use core.secret, if not try to use value in the existing secret (this does not work for you), and as a last resort generate a new one.

As a solution I you should either use existingSecret or set the values directly:

  • set core.secret or use core.existingSecret
  • set jobservice.secret or jobservice.existingSecret
  • set registry.credentials.username and registry.credentials.password
  • also you can set registry.credentials.htpasswdString

For internal TLS you can generate the certs and configure the source as secret instead of auto

I understand that ArgoCD trying to sync Harbor with actual state in Git, but how Harbor modify secrets and deployments in k8s without granted permissions to it? Argo trigger sync with Git state when app is OutOfSync and there are some diffs in manifests only.

It is not depends on my Argo templating plugins because Argo operates with rendered manifests e.g. all secrets from vault retrieves and pastes to its places on app bootstrap


  1. I prepare Argo Application manifest with links to the vault:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
    - resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io
    argocd.devops.rcod: devops.dev-bootstrap-apps
  name: devops.dev-harbor
  namespace: argocd
    namespace: harbor
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
  project: devops.dev
    chart: harbor
        - name: HELM_OVERWRITE
          value: >
            externalURL: https://harbor.my.awesome.domain

            caBundleSecretName: "rtl-ca"


              type: ingress
                enabled: true
                certSource: secret
                  secretName: "harbor-ingress"
                  core: harbor.my.awesome.domain
                controller: default
                className: "nginx"
                  ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
                  cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: vault-issuer-int-cluster
                  cert-manager.io/common-name: harbor.my.awesome.domain
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTPS
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: 'true'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 4096m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffer-size: 10m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffering: 'on'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffers-number: '4'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-max-temp-file-size: 2048m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-passthrough: 'true'
              enabled: true
              resourcePolicy: ""
                    storageClass: "piraeus-local"
                    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
                    size: 1Gi
                redis: {}
                registry: {}
                database: {}
                trivy: {}
                disableredirect: true
                type: s3
                  region: us-east-1
                  bucket: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3bucketname>"
                  accesskey: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3accesskey>"
                  secretkey: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3secretkey>"
                  regionendpoint: iminio.dev.k8s.cd.my.awesome.domain
                  encrypt: false
                  secure: true
                  skipverify: true
                  v4auth: true
                  chunksize: "5242880"
                  rootdirectory: /
                  multipartcopychunksize: "33554432"
                  multipartcopymaxconcurrency: 100
                  multipartcopythresholdsize: "33554432"
              type: external
                host: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbhost>"
                port: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbport>"
                username: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-username>"
                password: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-password>"
                coreDatabase: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbname>"
                sslmode: "disable"
              maxIdleConns: 100
              maxOpenConns: 900
              type: external
                addr: "redisaddr:26379"
                sentinelMasterSet: "mymaster"
                coreDatabaseIndex: "0"
                jobserviceDatabaseIndex: "1"
                registryDatabaseIndex: "2"
                trivyAdapterIndex: "5"
                username: "default"
                password: "mystrongpass"
              replicas: 1
                repository: goharbor/nginx-photon
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-portal
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-core
                tag: "v2.10.0"
                - name: SYNC_REGISTRY
                  value: "true"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-jobservice
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                  repository: goharbor/registry-photon
                  tag: "v2.10.0"
                  repository: goharbor/harbor-registryctl
                  tag: "v2.10.0"
                username: "myuser"
                password: "mystrongpass"
              relativeurls: true
              replicas: 1
                repository: goharbor/harbor-exporter
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              enabled: true
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                enabled: true
              enabled: true
              expireHours: 24
              enabled: true
              strong_ssl_ciphers: false
              certSource: "auto"
              enabled: false
              enabled: false
              enabled: false
        - name: HELM_SHARED
          value: ''
        - name: CHART_NAME
          value: harbor
        - name: NAMESPACE
          value: harbor
      name: argocd-vault-plugin-helm
    repoURL: 'https://helm.goharbor.io'
    targetRevision: 1.14.0
        duration: 5s
        factor: 2
        maxDuration: 3m
      limit: 5
      - Validate=false
      - CreateNamespace=true
      - PrunePropagationPolicy=foreground
      - PruneLast=true
  1. Manifest above renders to normal helm values like you deploy it manually without any Vault, etc

So there no magic or something else that can break deployment or its logic.

Harbor does not modify secrets, but the template is configured to generate the new secret values if current ones are not available for it (it does not access them because it can't in your case). Then this rendered template with randomly generated secret values is passed to your ArgoCD which applies it onto k8s cluster. At least it is my understanding. New secret values are generated while rendering the tempalate.

I understand that ArgoCD trying to sync Harbor with actual state in Git, but how Harbor modify secrets and deployments in k8s without granted permissions to it? Argo trigger sync with Git state when app is OutOfSync and there are some diffs in manifests only.

It is not depends on my Argo templating plugins because Argo operates with rendered manifests e.g. all secrets from vault retrieves and pastes to its places on app bootstrap


  1. I prepare Argo Application manifest with links to the vault:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
    - resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io
    argocd.devops.rcod: devops.dev-bootstrap-apps
  name: devops.dev-harbor
  namespace: argocd
    namespace: harbor
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
  project: devops.dev
    chart: harbor
        - name: HELM_OVERWRITE
          value: >
            externalURL: https://harbor.my.awesome.domain

            caBundleSecretName: "rtl-ca"


              type: ingress
                enabled: true
                certSource: secret
                  secretName: "harbor-ingress"
                  core: harbor.my.awesome.domain
                controller: default
                className: "nginx"
                  ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
                  cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: vault-issuer-int-cluster
                  cert-manager.io/common-name: harbor.my.awesome.domain
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTPS
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: 'true'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 4096m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffer-size: 10m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffering: 'on'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffers-number: '4'
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-max-temp-file-size: 2048m
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-passthrough: 'true'
              enabled: true
              resourcePolicy: ""
                    storageClass: "piraeus-local"
                    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
                    size: 1Gi
                redis: {}
                registry: {}
                database: {}
                trivy: {}
                disableredirect: true
                type: s3
                  region: us-east-1
                  bucket: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3bucketname>"
                  accesskey: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3accesskey>"
                  secretkey: "<path:path/to/harbor#s3secretkey>"
                  regionendpoint: iminio.dev.k8s.cd.my.awesome.domain
                  encrypt: false
                  secure: true
                  skipverify: true
                  v4auth: true
                  chunksize: "5242880"
                  rootdirectory: /
                  multipartcopychunksize: "33554432"
                  multipartcopymaxconcurrency: 100
                  multipartcopythresholdsize: "33554432"
              type: external
                host: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbhost>"
                port: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbport>"
                username: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-username>"
                password: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-password>"
                coreDatabase: "<path:path/to/harbor#pg-harbor-dbname>"
                sslmode: "disable"
              maxIdleConns: 100
              maxOpenConns: 900
              type: external
                addr: "redisaddr:26379"
                sentinelMasterSet: "mymaster"
                coreDatabaseIndex: "0"
                jobserviceDatabaseIndex: "1"
                registryDatabaseIndex: "2"
                trivyAdapterIndex: "5"
                username: "default"
                password: "mystrongpass"
              replicas: 1
                repository: goharbor/nginx-photon
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-portal
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-core
                tag: "v2.10.0"
                - name: SYNC_REGISTRY
                  value: "true"
              replicas: 3
                repository: goharbor/harbor-jobservice
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              replicas: 3
                  repository: goharbor/registry-photon
                  tag: "v2.10.0"
                  repository: goharbor/harbor-registryctl
                  tag: "v2.10.0"
                username: "myuser"
                password: "mystrongpass"
              relativeurls: true
              replicas: 1
                repository: goharbor/harbor-exporter
                tag: "v2.10.0"
              enabled: true
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                path: /metrics
                port: 8001
                enabled: true
              enabled: true
              expireHours: 24
              enabled: true
              strong_ssl_ciphers: false
              certSource: "auto"
              enabled: false
              enabled: false
              enabled: false
        - name: HELM_SHARED
          value: ''
        - name: CHART_NAME
          value: harbor
        - name: NAMESPACE
          value: harbor
      name: argocd-vault-plugin-helm
    repoURL: 'https://helm.goharbor.io'
    targetRevision: 1.14.0
        duration: 5s
        factor: 2
        maxDuration: 3m
      limit: 5
      - Validate=false
      - CreateNamespace=true
      - PrunePropagationPolicy=foreground
      - PruneLast=true
  1. Manifest above renders to normal helm values like you deploy it manually without any Vault, etc

So there no magic or something else that can break deployment or its logic.

Well, there is. Each time that manifests are rendered they are different

@Kajot-dev so if I understand right I need to move to existingSecret or use manual helm deploy instead of Argo?

@EsDmitrii Just provide the secret values to the chart config so they are not generated each time or use existingSecret (but the chart does not provide existingSecret option for all there values, so you'll need to mix both). Using helm install will also solve this.

Generally after configuring it, try running your chart with helm template. If you get the exact same file every time, it means your config is ok

@Kajot-dev thank you so much ! Appreciate your support:)
I’m modifying configs now, will be back with results in 1-2 days

@Kajot-dev Hi!
So all stuff works well, I defined my own secrets, certs, etc
I started to face the problem with registry.credentials.htpasswdString.
When I create htpasswd pass like this htpasswd -b -c .htpasswd USERNAME PASSWORD, I see this in logs:

time="2024-04-01T11:36:47.85058898Z" level=warning msg="error authorizing context: basic authentication challenge for realm "harbor-registry-basic-realm": invalid authorization credential" go.version=go1.21.4 http.request.host="infra-harbor-registry:5000" http.request.id=ce444d90-44cd-4f65-86ab-fa9169d044b2 http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="" http.request.uri="/v2/" http.request.useragent="Go-http-client/1.1" 
time="2024-04-01T11:36:47.861681129Z" level=error msg="error authenticating user "USERNAME": authentication failure" go.version=go1.21.4 http.request.host="infra-harbor-registry:5000" http.request.id=c41c5d03-acfc-4007-a453-d557e0c75cee http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="" http.request.uri="/v2/MY-IMAGE-I-WANT-TO-PULL/manifests/sha256:c51afd0a9f5c3776c58220af25b68d018de66db8c4d97d1f329542df9c66c640" http.request.useragent=harbor-registry-client vars.name="MY-IMAGE-I-WANT-TO-PULL" vars.reference="sha256:c51afd0a9f5c3776c58220af25b68d018de66db8c4d97d1f329542df9c66c640" 
time="2024-04-01T11:36:47.861770391Z" level=warning msg="error authorizing context: basic authentication challenge for realm "harbor-registry-basic-realm": authentication failure" go.version=go1.21.4 http.request.host="infra-harbor-registry:5000" http.request.id=c41c5d03-acfc-4007-a453-d557e0c75cee http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="" http.request.uri="/v2/MY-IMAGE-I-WANT-TO-PULL/manifests/sha256:c51afd0a9f5c3776c58220af25b68d018de66db8c4d97d1f329542df9c66c640" http.request.useragent=harbor-registry-client vars.name="MY-IMAGE-I-WANT-TO-PULL" vars.reference="sha256:c51afd0a9f5c3776c58220af25b68d018de66db8c4d97d1f329542df9c66c640" 

When I move back to registry.credentials.username and registry.credentials.password - all become well
Do you have any idea? As I see helm does the same:
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 14 43 43

as workaround I took htpasswd string generated by helm and added it to the Vault
I think now it works well, need another day to check :)

all works well
thank you for assistance!