
Support Django 5.0

aliceni81 opened this issue · 3 comments

The current version is incompatible with Django 5.0.
There is no _get_flatchoices in django's CharField anymore, instead Django provides flatchoices directly. Therefore, the following code in db/fields.py should be removed.

def _get_flatchoices(self):
        flat_choices = super(MultiSelectField, self)._get_flatchoices()

        class MSFFlatchoices(list):
            # Used to trick django.contrib.admin.utils.display_for_field into
            # not treating the list of values as a dictionary key (which errors
            # out)
            def __bool__(self):
                return False
            __nonzero__ = __bool__
        return MSFFlatchoices(flat_choices)
flatchoices = property(_get_flatchoices)

I was also wondering why my data was not being fetched. Spent hours debugging. Thanks for this! It helped me save so much time.

In my application, simply removing those lines breaks the display in the admin view. I recommend keeping the code, but replacing

flat_choices = super(MultiSelectField, self)._get_flatchoices()


flat_choices = super(MultiSelectField, self).flatchoices


    flat_choices = super(MultiSelectField, self).flatchoices
except AttributeError:
    flat_choices = super(MultiSelectField, self)._get_flatchoices()

for backwards compatibility

Big thanks, everyone! I was struggling to figure out how to fix it.