
SIGTERM signal timesout and causes forceful shutdown on Ziggurat v2.9.1

mjayprateek opened this issue · 1 comments

Apps using Ziggurat v2.9.1 forcefully shuts down on getting SIGTERM, which times out.
On the other hand, shutdown is graceful for Ziggurat v2.7.2.

It needs to be verified that this problem is not present in higher versions of 2.9.1

Further information indicates that this happens when a wrong Kafka configuration is used which makes Ziggurat repeatedly trying to connect to Kafka brokers.

The problem does not occur in v2.7.2 probably because of a different Kafka version. It needs to be figured out.

Here, the correct way to mitigate the error is to have a correct configuration for Kafka, and pass an empty main-func (if Kafka consumption is not required). This will cause a graceful shutdown on sending SIGTERM to Ziggurat based app.