
Release tags are versioned as "dev"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  1. Run go get github.com/gojuno/minimock/v3/cmd/minimock@v3.0.8
  2. Run minimock --version
  3. Output:
MiniMock version dev
Git commit: dev
Build date: 2021-01-22T00:47:47Z
  1. What I expected to see:
MiniMock version 3.0.8
Git commit: 3.0.8
Build date: 2021-01-22T00:47:47Z

In addition the top of the mocks all say:

// Code generated by http://github.com/gojuno/minimock (dev). DO NOT EDIT.

Instead of (3.0.8)

If you download the tagged release source code it shows as "dev"[0]:

	//do not modify the following vars
	//the values are being injected at the compile time by goreleaser
	version   = "dev"
	commit    = "dev"

[0] https://github.com/gojuno/minimock/archive/v3.0.8.zip

Hi! Some workaround to avoid this issue:
go install -ldflags "-X main.version=3.1.2" github.com/gojuno/minimock/v3/cmd/minimock@v3.1.2

Hey guys, there's nothing I can do about this really. The only way to have correct version for the minimock installed via go get is update these vars manually (which I don't want to do). So please download the pre-built binaries from the releases/tags page