
Unable to copy multiple files

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Using r31 on FreeBSD. No custom configuration. I tried to copy multiple files, but only the last one would be highlighted. I confirmed this by pasting, where only the last of the two copied files showed up.

Is this correct behavior? It seems like it isn't from the documentation.

Thank you!

Actually, it is possible to copy/cut multiple files. But I agree that this topic is not clear in the docs.

For that, you have to:

  1. Select, one by one, all the files/folders you want to copy/cut using the space bar.
  2. Click y for preparing the files/folders to be copied or d to be cut.
  3. Move to the folder where you want to have these files/folders copied/cut.
  4. And finally, press p to paste them.

I guess this is the default config. So it should work.

Thanks for replying! I just tried that and only the last one was pasted. I wonder what's different about our setups?

Uhm... Strange. Dunno the reason of that behavior.

I am not even close an expert on lf, but I know that whenever you press y for copying or d for cutting, lf is under the hood not copying or cutting anything, but, as I said before, just preparing files for that.

In fact, at that point, lf stores the files (prepared to be) copied/cut in this file by default:


So, I suggest to repeat the 4 steps I explained before and check if, in your case, when you select multiples files (step1) and then click y or d to prepared files to be copied/cut (step2), those files are indeed stored at ~/.local/share/lf/files.

That is not going to resolve anything. But at least you would able to know at which point the process of dealing with multiple files with lf gets uncompleted in your machine.