
Alternate paste workflow (select then move/copy) doesnt work with multiple instances

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I setup up Alternate paste workflow (select then move/copy) from Wiki/tips.
Working great with one lf, but when I use 2 lf, then print error message in second lf instances: paste: no file in copy/cut buffer

I use Debian 12 Stable and lf r32 version.

One thing:

  1. Open 2 lf. Select any files in one lf, then move to the second lf and paste, and working fine copy/cut
  2. Open 1 lf, then select any files, then open second lf, and paste -> get error message: paste: no file in copy/cut buffer

I can't reproduce.

In the second instance the files should already be selected upon startup, and pressing P/p should cut/copy the file into the buffer before actually pasting.

I can't reproduce.

In the second instance the files should already be selected upon startup, and pressing P/p should cut/copy the file into the buffer before actually pasting.

Now I try create new empty lfrc file the following contains:

set shellopts '-eu'

set ifs "\n"

cmd load-select &{{
    # skip if triggered via save-select from itself
    if [ "$1" = "$id" ]; then
        exit 0

    lf -remote "send $id unselect"
    if [ -s ~/.local/share/lf/select ]; then
        files=$(tr '\n' '\0' < ~/.local/share/lf/select | xargs -0 printf ' %q')
        lf -remote "send $id toggle $files"

cmd save-select &{{
    printf "%s" "$fs" > ~/.local/share/lf/select
    lf -remote "send load-select $id"

cmd alt-paste &{{
    if [ -n "$fs" ]; then
        lf -remote "send $id :$1; save-select"
    lf -remote "send $id paste"
    lf -remote "send $id clear"
    lf -remote "send $id unselect"


map <space> :toggle; down; save-select
map u :unselect; save-select
map v :invert; save-select

map P alt-paste cut
map p alt-paste copy

But doesnt work. When I open second lf, the files doesnt toggle automatically. And when I write :load-select manually, then not select the files from file. The select file contains the selected files.

After testing, I found out what the problem is:

if [ "$1" = "$id" ]; then
        exit 0

When I commented these lines, then works. Flickering always when toggle files, but working. So there is something wrong with this test. Maybe with Debian 12 stable?

OK I see what the problem is. That block of code exists to prevent the current instance from updating itself, otherwise it will cause a flicker as you described.

But since you added set shellopts '-eu', the -u flag causes the script to exit immediately when starting up a new instance ($1 isn't defined), and as a result the its selection list isn't synchronized properly.

I have changed the wiki example to use the following:

if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" = "$id" ]; then
    exit 0

Thanks for reporting. BTW for issues like these, it would be a lot easier if you could get a minimal config file from scratch, and then post it along with the issue description.

Thx, working great now :) And I'm sorry that I didn't start with the minimal config right away.
May I have one more request? It's an old Windows trick, but I often use the glob-select command to select multiple files that are somehow the same (for example, all flac files):

map + push :glob-select<space>*

Then press x, and type .flac, and toggle all flac extansion file. But with alternate paste workflow, doesnt work, because not use save-select command to write select file.

For glob-select, it's slightly more difficult because it takes an argument unlike toggle/unselect/invert. It's still possible if you create a new wrapper command that invokes save-select at the end:

cmd globsel &{{
    lf -remote "send $id :glob-select \"$1\"; save-select"

Keep in mind that lf doesn't natively support synchronizing selection across all instances, and that all of this is a hack to get it working.

Thx, working like a charm.

Keep in mind that lf doesn't natively support synchronizing selection across all instances, and that all of this is a hack to get it working.

Yes I know, but this alternate paste workflow is a very good result. Better solution, than original select (cut/copy), then paste, I think.