
lf image preview flickering when swapping workspace

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This occurs even when removing set period 1 from the lfrc, I'm not sure what could be causing this.
I'm also using chafa with sixels for previewing.


I suspect this might be because the previewer script is somehow being triggered when changing workspaces, and it isn't just limited to image previews. You can verify this by adding a command to the previewer script to additionally write to a log file.

If that is the case, then we could try looking into what is triggering the previewer script. I don't know if it's possible for you to try using an older version of lf, the latest master branch, do a git bisect, etc.

Hey so I've been checking recently and noticed the issue hasn't been happening, at all. I even added a line in my previewer script to log text into a log file to see if it updates, when I preview any image it adds a line of text to the file (obviously) but when I change workspace and swap back to file manager, I notice nothing happens, no log or flicker.

I haven't checked the version so I assume that it was because my lf installation wasn't at the latest update to receive the fix from #1665 and that running yay -Syu --devel recently (I don't remember if I did or not 😅) fixed it, so I'm closing for now, thanks!