
Godoc.org can't find my project even after a couple of days

Closed this issue · 3 comments

adtac commented



I've tried searching for github.com/adtac/go-akismet, but I still get not found when I go to https://godoc.org/github.com/adtac/go-akismet

Anyway to force trigger a crawl?

You already do force a crawl when you visit the URL of a Go package.

The reason it's not showing up is there's no Go package at that import path. The directory exists, but it has no .go files:

$ go get -u github.com/adtac/go-akismet
package github.com/adtac/go-akismet: no Go files in /tmp/gopath/src/github.com/adtac/go-akismet

You probably meant to visit the godoc page for github.com/adtac/go-akismet/akismet, which works okay.

gddo only crawl the package one at a time not the whole repo. You can trigger the crawl by visit the package godoc and then the parent repo page should show subdirectories under the repo.

adtac commented

Ah, thanks a lot, @shurcooL! It works now 👍