
regexp: LiteralPrefix lies about completeness

dvyukov opened this issue · 3 comments

The following program fails with the panic:

package main

import "regexp"

func main() {
    re := regexp.MustCompile("^")
    prefix, complete := re.LiteralPrefix()
    if !complete && re.MatchString(prefix) {

If complete is false, Match must fail.

go version devel +b0532a9 Mon Jun 8 05:13:15 2015 +0000 linux/amd64

If complete is false, Match must fail.

Why? A match doesn't have to match the entire input.


It's the other way around here. In your example, there is leftover in the string. In my example, there is leftover in the regexp (according to LiteralPrefix).

rsc commented

If complete is false, Match must fail.

Not true. If complete is false it means that there is something to the regexp beyond what has been returned in 'prefix'.