
gccgo: does not convert untyped complex 0i to int in binary operation involving an int

dvyukov opened this issue · 3 comments

gc successfully compiles the following program:

package a
var e,f = f^0i,0

while gccgo says:

go.go:2:12: error: incompatible types in binary expression

gccgo seems to be right, because 0i is imaginary literal.

go version devel +bb7e665 Tue Jun 30 07:42:37 2015 +0000 linux/amd64

This is a gccgo bug. 0i is a unyped complex constant that can be accurately represented as an int. The declaration is evaluated as follows:

var f = 0 // f is of type int
var e = f^0i // e is of type int, 0i is converted to int


Both gc and go/types agree.

This works on tip now, although I don't know when it was fixed.