
proposal: encoding/json: add mechanism to mark fields as required

mrajashree opened this issue ยท 22 comments

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While unmarshaling json into a struct, no error is thrown if the struct doesn't contain a particular field. For example if three fields are needed in the struct and the json input provides only two, no error is thrown and the third field is just empty.
this is my example:

type Example struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Place string `json:"place"`
	Date string `json:"date"`

func main() {
	jsonStr := []byte(`{"name":"someName","place":"somePlace"}`)
	var ex *Example
	err := json.Unmarshal(jsonStr, &ex)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("ERROR : %v\n", err)

&main.Example{Name:"someName", Place:"somePlace", Date:""}

Some error indicating required field not provided

I know I can check if the field is empty after unmarshaling, but is there a way to throw error during it?

Is it possible to add a required tag so not all fields need to be provided, but the necessary one would be?

(Similar but opposite proposal is #15314, to reject unknown fields.)

@bradfitz oh, can I work on this?

No, not yet. We're still in the "Discuss your design" phase right now. This hasn't been approved.

Ah lol! my bad

Any update on this?

@mvdan Fair enough. How does this work then? Who approves the proposals? Is there a way to vote or is it decided by committee?

mvdan commented

@edsonmedina see https://github.com/golang/proposal#readme. You can vote with reactions above (which I believe you already did), but otherwise "+1" comments do not add to the discussion. Of course, that doesn't apply to comments that do add information or bring up new points.

If what you're asking is how soon will the proposal reviewing team will get to this one, I don't have an answer. Bear in mind that there are nearly two hundred open proposals without decision yet, so I'm not sure that the team can give reliable estimates.

We do seem to have missed this one somehow. Proposal review has gone on vacation until the new year, but I'll make sure it gets reviewed then.

I think @rsc had said that all JSON proposals are on hold until they can be processed together.

Can we establish a github label or milestone or some such so that we can (1) group all JSON proposals and (2) view the status and blockers of "processing them together"?

mvdan commented

How about https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+encoding%2Fjson+in%3Atitle+label%3Aproposal-hold? A unique label or milestone would make filtering a bit simpler, but it's easy enough to do the filter as of today.

That meets goal (1), but misses the arguably more important goal (2), the latter being necessary to ascertain the status of the JSON blockers as a whole and understand the plan (or make a plan) to get things moving again.

mvdan commented

Agreed. I'm one of the encoding/json maintainers, but I got active quite a bit after it was decided to freeze big API changes. As far as I understand it, the team want to focus on the big tasks at hand at the moment (mainly modules and generics), so standard library re-designs such as this one would come later. Though you should wait for Russ's reply there, as I of course don't speak on their behalf.

I agree with @mvdan that there isn't really a plan at this point. I think that someone is going to have to sit down for a while with all the JSON issues and figure out the best approach, which for all I know may wind up being an entirely new package. That's going to be a time consuming process and I don't know who is going to do it.

I'm not opposed to adding a GitHub label but I don't see how it helps with that.

I agree that the current situation is far from ideal.

mvdan commented

I'd very much like to be part of that effort, though I'm not sure if I should be the one to lead it. There are people who have more experience and better judgement than me, but they are also busy with other projects.

(I wonder if we should take this to golang-dev, since it's fairly off-topic for this proposal in particular)

Please Cc me if it ends up on golang-dev (Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>).

I think that establishing some way of organizing the information and status of stalled proposals like this would make it easier for someone who cares about the problem to champion it, instead of twiddling their thumbs waiting for the Right Person to free up their time.

dsnet commented

For a feature related to required fields, I'm somewhat amused that prior art with regard to protocol buffers hasn't been mentioned. Protocol buffers had a "required" label in proto2. Such a feature was considered a grave mistake and removed in proto3. A short explanation of the issue can be found here and here. I imagine some set of the reasons that this was a harmful for protobufs is also applicable to json.

While validating required fields is a useful feature, I believe that it is conflating serialization with validation. While there is a performance benefit to performing validation at the same time as serialization, it is still a distinctly different concept. If we allow marking a field as required, what's preventing other validation features from being added to json. For example, should we be able to specify that a string must match some regular expression?

In my opinion, features like required fields should be handled by some other package that excels in validation and is separate from json. Thus, such a feature can be used with xml, gob, or any other serialization package.

Instead of adding the required tag, as soon there are negative opinions about that, can it be solved at least the same way as here - #15314 - by adding smth like DisallowMissingFields flag to the decoder?

I agree with @pavelosipyants-sothebys2.
Another way I would see things is to add a json.Option type we would optionally pass to our function json.Unmarshal .

package json


type Options struct {
    DisallowMissingFields bool
    NilEmptySlice bool
    FieldValidator map[string]func(value any) bool

func Unmarshal(content []byte, into any, option ...Options) error { ... }