
Help generating mocks for generics

btomasini opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to execute mockgen in source mode against some code which contains generics.

I the following error:

2022/07/27 17:19:21 Loading input failed: don't know how to mock method of type *ast.IndexListExpr
repository/repository.go:3: running "mockgen": exit status 1

My guess is that I need to use a fork which contains support for generics. As such, I have tried to replace gomock with the following branch in my go.mod:

replace (
        github.com/golang/mock => github.com/bradleygore/gomock v1.6.1-0.20220713191646-ac74355d2d11
        github.com/golang/mock/mockgen => github.com/bradleygore/gomock/mock/mockgen v1.6.1-0.20220713191646-ac74355d2d11

But mockgen still errors out. I think I may not be installing the right version of mockgen. My generate executes the following:

//go:generate go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen@v1.6.0
//go:generate mockgen -source=client.go -destination=./mock_repository/mock_client.go

Any help would be appreciated. I am not sure if my problem is one of managing a forked go module properly or with mockgen itself.

Thank you.

I hope this is somehow resolved by #663

Some general generic use-cases have been resolved on HEAD but not released. Follow the milestone for progress towards the release.