Dotfiles in Windows 10

I have Asus G14, and it would be a waste if I installed archlinux, Im already happy with my Huawei Matebook 13 with Arch So, So I force myself to Re-Config My Workflow for Windows

WSL Arch

Seriously Im an Arch User , lost in Windows, I do have some good scripts that can only be run in arch


I hate to use CMD , i dont wanna use git-bash on windows cause it sucks, i might as well learn powershell


Configure to Be Used with Neo Vim, Productivity Over 9000! Lol


I love using st terminal, but since only alacritty can be used on windows there you have it!


No Tiling Window Manager It Sucks , but powertoys meh but still worth than nothing

Choco, Scoop, Winget

Still Pacman is the Best Package Manager out there, But I hate going to Website and Download Stuff