A feature-rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd) and online dictionaries, featuring perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case.
- mcanthonyUnited States
- cetiumBeijing ,China
- KenvinChan
- giabaoVietnam
- data-manPalearctic realm
- trailblazingDetroit, MI
- wuyongfei
- ljbatwhNew Zealand
- ttlmtang123
- haibinparkchengdu,sichuan,china
- dongbingShanghai
- strategist922Taipei, Taiwan
- d68fbe50
- v2e
- will-v-kingChengdu
- maoxianfly
- ratsonHello World
- bugzy
- albert-zhouCQ,China
- jerviedog
- SigmaQuanNanking, China
- zalemwoo
- huangyt
- AndychenCL
- antisoRussia
- spanceChangSha
- wang-anguo
- chaggeHangzhou
- PollyWu
- badwtg1111Beijing
- apple601601601Shenzhen, China
- bkt92Viet Nam
- haha517
- BopngMaXi'an, ShaanXi, China
- wahi
- Pian0forte