Can't start webpack-dev-server with 0.11.2 plugin version: (TypeError: this[(fn + "Sync")] is not a function)
Closed this issue · 3 comments
vvroman commented
[*] I'm submitting a bug report
webpack version:
sw-precache-webpack-plugin version:
Please tell us about your environment:
Current behavior:
Can't start webpack-dev-server with lastest plugin version, but OK with previous (v0.11.0).
Error message:
TypeError: this[(fn + "Sync")] is not a function
at MemoryFileSystem.(anonymous function) (/home/Archive/node_modules/webpack-dev-middleware/node_modules/
at /home/Archive/node_modules/sw-precache-webpack-plugin/lib/index.js:237:25
at /home/Archive/node_modules/sw-precache-webpack-plugin/lib/index.js:236:18
at SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin.writeServiceWorker (/home/Archive/node_modules/sw-precache-webpack-plugin/lib/
at /home/Archive/node_modules/sw-precache-webpack-plugin/lib/index.js:96:24
- Webpack configuration:
new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
cacheId: 'app'
, entry: path.join(sourcePath, './sw.js')
, filename: './sw.js'
, maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 1024 * 800
, mergeStaticsConfig: true
, minify: false
, runtimeCaching: [{
handler: 'cacheFirst'
, urlPattern: /(.*?)/
goldhand commented
This plugin will not work with webpack-dev-server so I would just remove it from your dev config.
But it's troubling that there is an error. It looks like the source is @rkostrzewski promisify function
Do we need a Promise polyfill maybe? @rkostrzewski I don't think we need the promisfy function, maybe we can just remove it.
goldhand commented
@Mrmaxmeier send that pr over 😄 just tested its working
vvroman commented