
Minor doc clarifications

Closed this issue · 0 comments

  1. Rename example: indicate that the sp_rename option is DBMS-specific; should provide your own example

  2. In DBMS doc pages or error handling pages or faq, suggest how to search for error codes and resolve issues, e.g.

Caused by: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -750, SQLSTATE: 42986, SQLERRMC: null

you can do a search like "db2 error code 750" to find the issue

  1. Clarify how the grant is generated, and that the example is DBMS-specific. See comment from #141

  2. Update to indicate the new retrolambda development env

  3. Add SQL Server as supported to the main Github page

  4. Specify view use case for redshift per notes in #162