
Paging Results

spudmcq opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, we're just starting out with Reladomo.

We see from the FAQ that paging isn't integral.

What is the recommended way to handle paging large results?

There are several patterns that work well instead of paging.

If you just need the top, for example, for a UI display, you can use setMaxObjectsToRetrieve on the list object. Set the value to a decent multiple of a display page. Chances are, nobody is going to page through all the way. Don't forget to use some sort of order-by.

If you're processing the whole list, you should break it up. There are two good strategies here:

  1. Use an application specific break up method. For example, if you're processing trades, you can break it up by account or product. You can use range queries or in-clauses. Pick a dimension that'll do the breakup reasonably evenly and is well-indexed (leading column in an index). An advance pattern here is to do an aggregate query first to estimate how to do the break-up.
  2. Use forEachWithCursor instead. If all you need is the list itself with no deep fetches, this will work fine. If you need to deep fetch, the MultiThreadedBatchProcessor is a very high throughput pattern than can help.