Count not working after upgrade to 2.0
squarou opened this issue · 4 comments
Is there a way to solve my problem ? I've lost all the counts of downloads and it's not working anymore since I've upgraded, where the values remains in db.
Here's the chunk used :
[[!FileDownloadLink? &getFile=
[[+file]] &countDownloads=
1 &tplCode=
| [[+sizeText]] - [[+date]]([[+count]] téléchargements) &dateFormat=
d-m-Y &toArray=
0 ]]
Counts are reseted and are stuck to 0.
I've 3 tables in my db :
fd_paths, fd_counts and fd_downloads
The counts are stored in fd_counts but not incrementing anymore.
--- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource]('ve got this in the log :
core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 811) fdPaths: Attempt to set NOT NULL field media_source_id to NULL
Hello. Have got this bug too.
As quick solution you can fix this file core/components/filedownloadr/model/filedownloadr/filedownloadr.class.php
Row 780: //'media_source_id' => $this->config['mediaSourceId'],
Row 791: // 'media_source_id' => $this->config['mediaSourceId'],
Thanks you 👍
Thank you !