
Collect previous events only.

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Let's say we have an activity_id and a batch_id and want to fetch all events that happened to this batch.
Currently there's no clean way to do this, we might try e.g.:

async with GolemNode() as golem:
    batch = golem.batch(batch_id, activity_id)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

and this is fine, except that in some rare cases single second might not be enough, and in other cases we wait too long.
Or we could:

async with GolemNode() as golem:
    batch = golem.batch(batch_id, activity_id)
    await batch.wait()

but this way we'll hang forever if the batch was not finished.

--> we need something like:

async with GolemNode() as golem:
    batch = golem.batch(batch_id, activity_id)
    await batch.fetch_past_events()

This shouldn't be hard.
Probably should be implemented on golem_core.low.yagna_event_collector.YagnaEventCollector.