
GPIO with `embedded_hal`

David-OConnor opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. How can we use the GPIO pins with functions that expected embedded_hal implementations?

What I'm attempting:

rppal = { version = "0.11.3", features=["hal"] }


let gpio = Gpio::new().unwrap();
let pin = gpio.get(7).unwrap().into_io(Mode::Alt1);  // or into_input()



the trait bound `rppal::gpio::pin::IoPin: embedded_hal::digital::v1::InputPin` is not satisfied

This file, if I understand correctly, may point to the cause of the error, by omission:

edit: It also looks like it would be easy to support StatefulOutputPin, since the included methods are supported in rppal. Am I missing something re why it's not working? A workaround is to use thin wrappers that impl the hal traits, and wrap the rppal methods.

Should I PR this?

It looks like the answer is to use the hal-unproven feature.