
Searching throws ArgumentError - invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Searching in gollum using the RJGit adapter throws an ArgumentError. The relevant part of the stack trace:

ArgumentError - invalid byte sequence in UTF-8:
	org/jruby/RubyString.java:3806:in `scan'
	[...]/gollum-lib/lib/gollum-lib/wiki.rb:518:in `block in search'
	[...]/gollum-lib_rjgit_adapter/lib/rjgit_adapter/git_layer_rjgit.rb:173:in `block in grep'
	org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1734:in `each'
	[...]/gollum-lib_rjgit_adapter/lib/rjgit_adapter/git_layer_rjgit.rb:170:in `grep'
	[...]/gollum-lib/lib/gollum-lib/wiki.rb:512:in `search'
	[...]/gollum/lib/gollum/app.rb:473:in `block in GET /gollum/search'

More specific context? I can't reproduce this on the standard lotr test repo, nor when I add a page containing some utf-8 characters. Note that sometimes a repo gets corrupted by first using grit on it, then switching back to rjgit/rugged. I think grit does some bad things with the encodings. :)

My versions:

Gollum 5.0.1b
Running on: java with Ruby version 2.5.0
gollum-rjgit_adapter 0.3.4
gollum-lib 5.0.a.4
With the following renderers:
kramdown 2.1.0
$ bundle exec gollum --versions
Gollum 5.0.1b
Running on: java with Ruby version 2.3.3
gollum-rjgit_adapter 0.3.4
gollum-lib 5.0.a.4
With the following renderers:
kramdown 2.1.0

The issue went away though with a brand new wiki repo.

I would assume this is the aforementioned grit bug then. Should we close this or do you want to keep it open?

Might as well close it for now since I haven't been able to reproduce it so far.