
run in batch mode

Opened this issue · 2 comments

For a reference, this tool: https://github.com/amrali-eg/EncodingChecker

I hope your tool can scan the folder and recursive to its sub-folders, and find the source files(by masks, such as *.cpp and *.h), and detect the source code encoding, and change the encoding if its encoding is not the output encoding.

By this way, we can scan a project, and see which file has wrong encoding, and fix those files.


Hi, @asmwarrior

This tool should be simple and tiny, for directory walking you could do a combination with find that looks like https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12902/how-to-run-find-exec

Hi, thanks for the reply.

When looking at this document: Find - Search for text - Windows CMD - SS64.com

It looks like Find command does not support wildcard.