
Dimmer mode makes experience Emacs very slow on macOS when Command + tab is used to switch apps

anildigital opened this issue · 24 comments

It takes 74% just to show or render the emacs. So for every alternate Command + tab switch on macOS, I see it takes 3-4 seconds for Emacs to appear. Overall experience becomes very slow when you are working and switching tabs.

Here is Emacs profiler report

WIth bug

With dimmer removed

Interesting. Did this change recently for you?

Can you leave dimmer in place but turn off the the focus handling in your configuration (setq dimmer-watch-frame-focus-events nil) and see what performance you get?

@gonewest818 yes.. this was recent... like from last month

@gonewest818 (setq dimmer-watch-frame-focus-events nil) kind of fixes. Not sure if the performance is as good as without dimmer-mode. Here is profile report https://gist.github.com/anildigital/cbe37f9e64604f4e994ba774e6b2593f

Ok, thanks for doing that test. That second profile shows only 34 samples (0.034 seconds) in dimmer. Most of the rest of the time is really spent in counsel/ivy and I have a similar timing in my profiles here... I don't see anything remarkable there.

But getting back to your first profile with dimmer in place... I changed dimmer's focus handling about a month ago (issue #43) because it was doing handle-focus-in incorrectly in certain specific cases. What's unusual is that your first profile shows a large (about 1.5 seconds) amount of time spent in the handle-focus-out(!) case and I wouldn't expect that recent fix to affect focus-out.

How is your buffer switching performance? Have you felt a change there? Do you have a very large number of buffers, a theme with a very large number of faces, any dimmer-buffer-exclusion-predicates or dimmer-prevent-dimming-predicates?

[edit: typo]

Buffer switching performance was very poor as well. I have 10-15 different Elixir Phoenix projects where I have lsp-mode with Elixir-LS. I also use Desktop mode so I have like 50-60 buffers open. But only recently I felt slowness. Earlier things were OK I guess. I also use Treemacs for every project.

Would you be willing to try testing the version available on MELPA stable (which is dimmer 0.4.2, before that most recent bugfix)?

I am using dimmer 0.4.2. The last profiler logs I sent was with 0.4.2

;; Filename: dimmer.el
;; Author: Neil Okamoto
;; Version: 0.4.2
;; Package-Version: 20200329.35
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
;; URL: https://github.com/gonewest818/dimmer.el
;; Keywords: faces, editing

Hi, ok so actually that's the snapshot version. Where it says "Package-Version: 20200329.35", the datestamp means that's the latest snapshot from MELPA (https://melpa.org/packages/dimmer-20200329.35.el).

If you install dimmer from the MELPA stable repo, you'll see "Package-Version: 0.4.2" (https://stable.melpa.org/packages/dimmer-0.4.2.el) which means it's a tagged release.

So, something like
(depends-on "dimmer" :archive "melpa-stable")
should get you the stable version... ? Sorry about that.

@gonewest818 okay thanks! It was a serious bug that affected my month's productivity. I switching to stable version now.

Unfortunately, I can't see the issue here so I'll tag the issue "need repro" for now.

Also, just now on Reddit r/emacs there is this question which sounds similar: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/getq8g/upgraded_to_27091_on_macos_app_switching_to_emacs/

edmz commented
- command-execute                                                8717  96%
 - call-interactively                                            8717  96%
  - funcall-interactively                                        8717  96%
   - handle-focus-out                                            8645  95%
    - #<compiled 0x1ffd2878bbad>                                 8645  95%
     - apply                                                     8645  95%
      - dimmer-after-focus-change-handler                        8645  95%
       - let                                                     8645  95%
        - if                                                     8645  95%
         - dimmer-dim-all                                        8645  95%
          - mapc                                                 8645  95%
           - #<lambda 0x221d247d09d5af>                          8645  95%
            - dimmer-dim-buffer                                  8645  95%
             - save-current-buffer                               8640  95%
              - if                                               8634  95%
               - let                                             8634  95%
                - while                                          8576  94%
                 - let                                           8510  94%
                  - dimmer-face-color                            8153  90%
                   - let                                         8038  88%
                    - face-foreground                            3283  36%
                       face-attribute                            3232  35%
                    - face-background                            2926  32%
                       face-attribute                            2889  31%
                    - if                                         1677  18%
                     - progn                                     1452  16%
                      - setq                                     1448  16%
                       - plist-put                               1427  15%
                        - dimmer-cached-compute-rgb               1404  15%
                         - let                                   1394  15%
                            or                                     30   0%
                     - and                                        186   2%
                      - color-defined-p                           106   1%
                       - display-graphic-p                         20   0%
                          framep-on-display                        10   0%
                        or                                         19   0%
                  - if                                            311   3%
                   - progn                                        310   3%
                    - setq                                        310   3%
                     + cons                                       291   3%
                   setq                                            13   0%
                + dimmer-filtered-face-list                        42   0%
                dimmer--dbg                                         1   0%
   - handle-focus-in                                               72   0%
edmz commented

I used the tagged release version and things got noticeable better, but it still lagged sometimes. There is definitely a difference between it being activated and not.

What theme are you using? How many buffers do you have in your current session?

The TL;DR of my notes below is that dimmer is spending a lot of time in what should be a simple hash table lookup of face attributes, and the best hypothesis I can come up with is maybe you have a much much larger number of faces?

Quick breakdown of that profile:

                  - dimmer-face-color                            8153  90%

That's 8 seconds overall in dimmer, which is basically an eternity.

                    - face-foreground                            3283  36%
                       face-attribute                            3232  35%
                    - face-background                            2926  32%
                       face-attribute                            2889  31%

Those face-* functions are part of the emacs distribution, and so 3283+2926 = 6209 milliseconds are spent simply extracting the foreground and background attributes for all faces (in all buffers). No color calculations are being done yet ... this is literally just walking through all the colors in your theme.


                    - if                                         1677  18%
                     - progn                                     1452  16%
                      - setq                                     1448  16%
                       - plist-put                               1427  15%
                        - dimmer-cached-compute-rgb               1404  15%
                         - let                                   1394  15%
                            or                                     30   0%

That's where the actual color value calculations are done (if they haven't been calculated and cached already). What's mysterious is that all of this is more than 10 times slower than what's happening on my laptop.

edmz commented
  • I have 350 buffers opened.
  • The theme I'm using is doom-vibrant
  • I don't recall installing fonts on my computer, except for the all-the-icons one and fira code. Does this answer your question about faces?

Yes, thank you. 350 buffers is probably the root cause, as I don't keep that many open at a time. I have a pretty decent idea what's happening and over the next few days I'll see about fixing.

If you tried the tagged release in MELPA stable, what I'm going to try to do is get back to roughly that level of performance ... and since you said that is still lagging, then I suggest I do this fix first and then look at some new profile reports once it's in place.

Sound good? I'm really sorry to cause you this frustration, and I appreciate your help testing and profiling this.

edmz commented

Well, it's a long story but I recently made a change that processes every buffer instead of only the visible buffers. That was mostly to keep the code simpler, but clearly what I need to do is the more complicated version of things... Hold on a bit while I look into that!

Seeing this too - I had thought it was due to some tramp buffers I had open. Thanks for looking into it.

Ok: - there's a candidate fix for this in the 'focus-fix' branch. I just pushed it a few minutes ago, and I'm running it locally as well... Maybe a solid 5 minutes of testing so far... :)

Before I merge the change I'll "stress test" with larger numbers of buffers, and I'll keep it in place for the rest of the day/week/whatever to make sure I haven't broken anything. I'll post timing results here.

edmz commented

I'm running it right now. Will let you know how it behaves. I still have my 300+ buffers :)

With 300 buffers open, 10 of them visible, and this is the profile for 3 switches between emacs and another app:

- command-execute                                                 322  91%
 - call-interactively                                             322  91%
  - funcall-interactively                                         322  91%
   - counsel-M-x                                                  322  91%
    - ivy-read                                                    307  87%
     + read-from-minibuffer                                        47  13%
     + ivy--reset-state                                             5   1%
     + ivy-call                                                     2   0%
      counsel--M-x-externs                                         15   4%
- ...                                                              19   5%
   Automatic GC                                                     9   2%
 - dimmer-after-focus-change-handler                                5   1%
  - let                                                             5   1%
   - if                                                             5   1%
    - dimmer-dim-all                                                5   1%
     - mapc                                                         5   1%
      - #<lambda 0x22080983b12429>                                  5   1%
       - dimmer-dim-buffer                                          5   1%
        - save-current-buffer                                       5   1%
         - if                                                       5   1%
          - let                                                     5   1%
           - while                                                  5   1%
            - let                                                   5   1%
             - dimmer-face-color                                    5   1%
              - let                                                 5   1%
               + face-background                                    2   0%
               - if                                                 2   0%
                - progn                                             1   0%
                 - setq                                             1   0%
                  - plist-put                                       1   0%
                   + dimmer-cached-compute-rgb                      1   0%
                + and                                               1   0%
               + face-foreground                                    1   0%
 - let*                                                             5   1%
  + if                                                              5   1%
- timer-event-handler                                               5   1%
 + apply                                                            5   1%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                   4   1%
  flyspell-post-command-hook                                        1   0%
edmz commented

I can say that the problems disappeared while using the version from that branch

Ok, I merged this to master. Thanks for your feedback, profiling, and testing.

The next MELPA build runs in 15 minutes and takes about an hour (although, if the builds run in alphabetical order (do they?) then the new dimmer will be ready sooner than that).