
Cors error when pass url in link

bhagwansawant123 opened this issue · 3 comments

When I try to load audio and JSON file from the URL it gives an error. See my URL http://localhost:4000/?save_mode=server&audio=http://localhost:8080/s3_files/file.mp3&json=http://localhost:8080/s3_files/annotation_1.json This gives the error Loading the file has failed, open console for more details.

Since you're running in local host with your own s3 account, I cannot recreate your issue, however if it's a cors error the problem should be with your s3 configuration

@rotem-1996 I added the assets folder at the root and trying to access file from that folder using http://localhost:4000/assets/output.json this URL but the browser says Cannot GET /assets/output.json

Could you share an image of the configuration in s3?