




  • Geiser: Bernd Geiser and Peter Vary. 2008. High rate data hiding in ACELP speech codecs. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process�ing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 4005–4008

  • Miao: Haibo Miao, Liusheng Huang, Zhili Chen, Wei Yang, and Ammar Al-Hawbani. 2012. A new scheme for covert communication via 3G encoded speech. Computers & Electrical Engineering 38, 6 (2012), 1490–1501.

  • AFA: Yanzhen Ren, Hongxia Wu, and Lina Wang. 2018. An AMR adaptive steganography algorithm based on minimizing distortion. Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 10 (2018), 12095–12110.



​ FCB Steganalysis Dataset, produced by various steganographic algorithms, embedding rates.

Steganographic Algorithms

We use the following steganographic algorithms for our dataset:

  • Geiser: Bernd Geiser and Peter Vary. 2008. High rate data hiding in ACELP speech codecs. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process�ing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 4005–4008

  • Miao: Haibo Miao, Liusheng Huang, Zhili Chen, Wei Yang, and Ammar Al-Hawbani. 2012. A new scheme for covert communication via 3G encoded speech. Computers & Electrical Engineering 38, 6 (2012), 1490–1501.

  • AFA: Yanzhen Ren, Hongxia Wu, and Lina Wang. 2018. An AMR adaptive steganography algorithm based on minimizing distortion. Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 10 (2018), 12095–12110.