请教一个问题,mxnet 0.10.0运行你的代码提示错误
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flice commented
src/operator/./slice_channel-inl.h:198: Check failed: ishape[real_axis] == static_cast<size_t>(param_.num_outputs) (3000 vs. 30) If squeeze axis is True, the size of the sliced axis must be the same as num_outputs. Input shape=(100,3000), axis=1, num_outputs=30.
我修改了您的源码中第64行 : self.provide_data = [('data', (batch_size, image_width * image_height))] + init_states
为: self.provide_data = [('data', (batch_size, image_height,image_width))] + init_states
其中 img = img.reshape((image_width * image_height)) 也reshape成二维
BATCH_SIZE 也修改成height值