
Trying to add a bookmark without a category triggers an error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

Describe the bug

Trying to add a bookmark without any category existing triggers an error and blocks the adding process.

To Reproduce

  1. Steps to reproduce the behavior:
  2. Delete all categories
  3. Open browser dev tools
  4. Try to add a bookmark
  5. See error and process locking

Expected behavior

Display an error saying that no category exists/create a "Uncategorized" category/Allow the creation of the category on the pane



Hello @c157fl! You shouldn't be able to delete the initial category, only edit it. I will look into it in my spare time.

Hi @goniszewski . Curiously, I did not have an initial category. I'll do a full wipe of everything, try a fresh install later today and report back.

Did a complete reset and effectively the Uncategorized category was created.
Seems that it was an issue with my installation.
Apologies for the inconvenience.