Swift 4 support
tadko opened this issue · 7 comments
tadko commented
Is it planned?
fishcharlie commented
okocsis commented
there are forks that already have it...
fishcharlie commented
@okocsis What do you mean by that?
OuSS-90 commented
Need also update for swift 4
abhishekgoyal12 commented
Any estimate on Swift4 update. We are getting crash while integrating the existing code.
edasque commented
I use the fork https://github.com/sammygutierrez/DGElasticPullToRefresh instead.
In my podfile:
pod 'DGElasticPullToRefresh' , :git => 'https://github.com/sammygutierrez/DGElasticPullToRefresh'
zhenghongchuan commented
I use the fork https://github.com/sammygutierrez/DGElasticPullToRefresh instead.
In my podfile:
pod 'DGElasticPullToRefresh' , :git => 'https://github.com/sammygutierrez/DGElasticPullToRefresh'
Hello, this fork has been 404, do you know any fork for swift 4.2?