
Using multiple tokens for the same user to allow multiple devices to use the same API concurrently

aledalgrande opened this issue · 6 comments

It seems there was some talk about this in #21 (comment), but then there was silence.

Was anything implemented regarding this? A simple has_many that points to a table of tokens would fix it IMHO. On top of that, the tokens could be upgraded to have an expiry date.

Need a PR?

That would've been really nice. However, I think the maintainer for this project is under the radar. Last merged commit was almost a year ago.

I'm planning on switching over to https://github.com/lynndylanhurley/devise_token_auth

It seems to have all of that good stuff

Yeah saw that, but I liked the simplicity of this one. I guess I'll have to switch sooner or later.

I've changed my mind. Don't do the switch to devise_token_auth. It is the must buggy gem I've ever worked with.

Hello @aledalgrande, @karlingen,

<sarcasm: on>
Well, it seems the issue is resolved : )
Do you mind if I close it?
<sarcasm: off>

-- probably myself if we knew each other and this wasn't a public forum

Regarding this comment and the corresponding reaction:

I'd like to remind here that the code of conduct of this project mentions specifically the use of derogatory comments as unacceptable behaviour.
As the maintainer of this project, I find both the comment and the following reaction quite dismissive and I would certainly qualify them as derogatory.

Besides that, I am not sure to be comfortable with the general tone of the conversation. The code of conduct contains examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment. Please amend.

@aledalgrande Regarding having multiple tokens per user, the FAQ tells me that Tiddle may be a good alternative to Simple Token Authentication in the scenario you describe. I would take a look at it.

Amended, even if I don't fully agree... thanks for the tip on Tiddle.

Oh, I wasn't meaning to amend the comment, but the behaviour. Bad wording, sorry. You're welcome : )