
Trackable not working?

josephsiefers opened this issue · 0 comments

We're having a great experience with the library so far, but noticed a puzzling issue with trackable. In the sample initializer, I noticed and configured the following:

SimpleTokenAuthentication.configure do |config|
  # Configure the Devise trackable strategy integration.
  # If true, tracking is disabled for token authentication: signing in through
  # token authentication won't modify the Devise trackable statistics.
  # If false, given Devise trackable is configured for the relevant model,
  # then signing in through token authentication will be tracked as any other sign in.
  config.skip_devise_trackable = false

While using tokens, I'm not seeing any changes to devise trackable module attributes (e.g., sign_in_count, etc). My devise model is configured as follows:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :invitable

Any idea as to what the cause might be?
