
split responsibilities of acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for method

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as far as I understand acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for does 2 things. First, it does add authenticate_#{entity.name_underscore}_from_token method. Second, uses one of these methods as a controller filter.

This approach becomes a problem when an app supports more than one authentication method. Our app needs to decide the authentication method using the headers on the request. We have a filter with the name authenticate_user_with_multiple_system!. This method actually authenticates the user either with JWT, doorkeeper or devise. However when we use acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for method another filter is automatically added. I believe that the api of this gem would be more flexible and beneficial if acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for method only defines the filter hooks and application developer use the filter method explicitly later on.

Below I share a code snippet to demonstrate the auth logic with more than one authentication method

def authenticate_user_with_multiple_system!
  if valid_doorkeeper_header?
    # auth with doorkeeper
  elsif valid_devise_header?
    # auth with devise
    # use `authenticate_user_from_token` method here
    # unauthorized

With the current API authenticate_user_from_token or authenticate_user_from_token! methods runs no matter what. We can skip it using skip_before_action but I believe that using authenticate_user_from_token directly is way more explicit.

My current workaround (Actually I dont try this yet but I believe that it should work)

skip_before_action :authenticate_user_from_token # or authenticate_user_from_token! depending on the fallback
before_action authenticate_user_with_multiple_system!

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