
Add product image zoom on mobile

good-idea opened this issue · 2 comments

Add product image zoom on mobile

Possibilities for zoom:

  • Double tap activates zoom which punches in while remaining in the image frame. The user can drag around the image area using a finger when zoom is active. Zoom can be exited with another double tap
  • Zoom can also be activated by dragging outwards with two fingers and reset when dragging inwards with two fingers.
  • Zoom can also be activated by pressing and holding over image (iphone 3d touch or a long hold).

Let me know if these are possible and from a development perspective, if you feel like these multiple approaches are necessary. I also wonder if you have any thoughts or examples of how to tip off the user to activate zoom on mobile since the on-hover magnifying glass isn't an option.

Hey Joseph! I found an alternative mode that I think we prefer for zoom as demonstrated by the following link on mobile. When the image is pressed, the rest of the screen goes white and an "x" appears prompting the user to zoom in.