
Create & Automate custom invoices

good-idea opened this issue · 6 comments

Remaining questions:

  1. Custom orders:
  • Currently, size is just not displayed if there is no size variant.
  • Title is determined by the following code. There is no line_item.custom property.
          {% if line_item.title contains 'Custom' %}
            Custom order for {{ }}
          {% else %}
            {{ line_item.title }}
          {% endif %}
  1. Blank shipping fields: it seems that some of the orders don't have shipping information filled out. Should these sections be left blank?

  2. Placeholder image: If there is no featured image on the product (i.e for custom products), there will be a placeholder image. I used a collage image that is already on the site, but feel free to send over a new placeholder for me to upload.

Getting close! A few things:

to match design:

  • tweak typeface sizes & spacing
    • (the only spacing issue I saw was between "DESCRIPTION" and the text)
  • add in divider lines
  • capitalize fulfilled/unfulfilled and align with date
  • fix alignment of "size" field. See #1483
  • Is it possible to get the product title instead of the variant title? #1483 should read "Nova Rose" not "Nova Rose - 7"
  • Don't break line for "Custom order for Customer Name"

There are some 'three-column' styles in the template, but the design is 4-column. There are also inline width properties -- you might have an easier time using the colspan attribute instead example


  • If there's no shipping, i say leave this line in, but give it a $0.00 value

Ok, all of these items are taken care of.

However I noticed that the billing and shipping address fields are a little wonky - for example on order #1487 , which lists the shipping address as United States and the billing address as Same as shipping.

LMK if there's anything else you notice.

@JasonSpinKil @contentisrelative Waverly's about there -- I think it would be good if you looked through a number of invoices since you're more familiar with the little things. Let's just paste all of the things that need addressing in here.

One thing I noticed is that we don't have any lines in the invoice for discounts or notes:

#1483 ->

standard template:


Hi Waverly & Joseph,

So for Item Name & Size, I've placed this in the upper part of the invoice template. Does that work?

screen shot 2018-06-14 at 2 25 35 pm

I've also added the missing fields to the invoice design. Let me know if it's good to go, or if you need more changes!

FYI I moved the placement of the product title and size. It's now located above the description and within the Item Details