
Improve page speed

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@JasonSpinKil --
Unfortunately, a handful of the optimizations suggested by Google isn't something we can take care of. (For instance, Shopify handles image compression on their end, we can't tweak it in any way). Same goes for the blocking CSS & JS that's outlined in the google profiling tools.

But, I was able to do some smarter image resizing, as well as made images 'lazy load' - meaning, the browser only calls to download them when they are within or near the visible portion of the page.

I used the Core collection page as a benchmark, and was able to reduce the overall initial load size from 4.2mb to 1.4mb, and reduced the load time by about 50%.

If you don't want to lazy load, it would go from 4.2mb to 2.4mb for the initial load~