
No type info on model query find* response

Closed this issue · 3 comments

vasyas commented


I've followed the steps in but got an issue with the type of model query response.

Having the table types:

interface Users {
  id: Generated<number>;
  name: string;
  email: string;

interface DB {
  users: Users;

and the model defined:

export default class User extends db.model('users', 'id') {
  static findByEmail(email: string) {
    return this.findOne('email', email);

My query doesn't have return type info, which is breaking type-safety in queries:

import User from "./User"

async function demo() {
  const user = await User.findByEmail("aa")
  console.log( // should fail here, b/c User doesn't have `aaa` field?

Sandbox with repo

Is this expected to be working?

vasyas commented

More info for it.

  1. It is reproducible only for find* methods
  2. It is reproducable only latest kysely release, 0.23.5.
seeden commented

I will check it with last version but I am working on something else these days.

seeden commented

Fixed in latest version