
Playlist skip issue

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've been using GoodTube for a while now and since yesterday everytime I put a playlist of any kind (mostly music) Youtube just skips the video every 2-4 seconds.
I'm using Chrome, everything is updated, history, cookies and caché clean as well, no other extension installed other than TamperMonkey and GoodTube, I'm on PC Windows.
I have everything organized with Chrome, I would rather not start everything from 0 on another web browser.
I've seen another similar person with the same issue and I've tried everything you said to them, thanks for your time.
(PS: If the grammar is not perfect I apologize since it isn't my primary language).

Edit 1: I'm not sure if it matters but my current PC is used by two people including me, I have Firefox installed as well.

Hey man, yep - I have also noticed this happening to me sometimes.

It is not a problem with your setup, I am also using Windows + Chrome.

Basically what is happening is Youtube sometimes detects this adblocker. I'm hiding their player and they seem to be cracking down on this a little bit lately. It's not hard for me to get around though.

However, I fixed this yesturday and it seems to be working perfectly for me. Have you updated to the latest version of GoodTube? The latest version is 4.545

To check that go here:

Then press update and refresh Youtube.

Let me know how you go :)

If it does not work for you, please let me know - as there are other ways of hiding the youtube player that I am interested in trying. Hang in there, we will get this one fixed today!

It keeps happening, kinda annoying from YT to work harder on stopping adblocks rather than improving the experience of the user.
Keep the good work and thanks for your efforts!

Ok, so I've just pushed an update. Can you try the latest version and see how you go?

Don't forget you need to refresh Youtube after installing the update.

Fingers crossed it solves the issue. It would be quite hard for Youtube to detect this new method :)

Upon further testing, this is still happening intermittently. Hard to debug because it only happens sometimes.

Working on it, I listen to playlists all day so will fix as soon as possible! I'm just working out what is causing it / testing. Will push a fix soon.

Ok, big day but I think this is now fixed. Closing this issue for now.

Update to the latest version (5.001). If you are still having playlist skipping problems please re-open this issue.