
F11/Fullscreen faint black bar on all videos (GoodTube V3.018)

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hey man, so far I'm enjoying GoodTube a whole bunch. I've come to find a visual bug that is hopefully something you can reproduce. Whenever I use the F11/F11 + Fullscreen function I get a faint black line across the screen that seems to follow the video. It isn't physical damage to my monitor either. I switch to a browser page at the end of my screen recording to verify it isn't system-wide or physical damage.

I'm stoked to see the journey of GT, and I'm sure this silly bug will be squashed soon enough!

Edited to add: I'm currently using Vivaldi V6.8.3381.46 (the latest release)

Hey man,

Uh - not sure to be honest. It looks to be some sort of browser rendering issue, likely to do with the CSS.

I just downloaded Vivaldi and gave it a shot but couldn't make it happen on my end.

My best guess is that it might have to do with this line in the code (757):
padding-top: min(var(--ytd-watch-flexy-max-player-height), (calc(var(--ytd-watch-flexy-height-ratio) / var(--ytd-watch-flexy-width-ratio) * 100%))) !important;

Can you try changing that to
padding-top: 400px !important;

And let me know if that solves your issue? The player won't be the right height, so don't leave that in there. Will just give me something to go off.

If it works and the annoying black line is gone, then I think I can get it fixed for ya :)



So, that's a negative ghost rider. That silly black line is still there after changing the code to
padding-top: 400px (var(--ytd-watch-flexy-max-player-height), (calc(var(--ytd-watch-flexy-height-ratio) / var(--ytd-watch-flexy-width-ratio) * 100%))) !important;

I'm not too stressed about it, if you can't reproduce it, then I'm sure it's something I've done. I'll go ahead and fresh install vivaldi to see if that fixes it as well

Edit: I'm now realizing you may have meant for me to put !important directly after the 400px descriptor. Ex: 400px !important. I'll test to see if that fixes it!!

Yeah, just replace the entire line with:
padding-top: 400px !important;

You don't need all the rest of it :)

That said, I've just updated and minified the source don't update if you want to try this.
Uh, it's a long story. Try that with the old unminified version if you can!

Ah I see, yeah the replacement code didn't work. It's all good, I can live with it. You can close out/resolve this issue tbh

you should try revanced instead. goodtube uses it in the backend anyways so you might as well cut out the middleman
or for downloading videos directly, which goodtube also freeboots off of

you should try revanced instead. goodtube uses it in the backend anyways so you might as well cut out the middleman or for downloading videos directly, which goodtube also freeboots off of

Yeah, I'm using Windows 10. I'm not about to emulate to use revanced, but I appreciate the suggestion. I did, however, use cobalt well before this whole fiasco went down

Yeah ^ that guy is from cobalt. They're mad because we use them for downloads.

Quite the bunch of angry dudes it seems.

Also this doesn't use ReVanced - but either way, please just ignore these bozos haha.

I will have a guess at fixing your issue in the next release man. Hang tight!