
Change to Mongo as separate service

pnelsonsr opened this issue · 2 comments

This is not a bug but a question...

I have been running unifi with mongo as one docker container. I saw the message in startup that said to consider running mongo as a separate container. My question is if there is anything I need to do to export the mongo data to the separate mongo container?

You can take the UniFi data/db directory and attach it to an instance of

You'll need to match that mongo version to the version or one version higher of your existing database files. Unless you've done something odd to your install a 3.6 version should work,

I'd heavily recommend making a backup copy of your data before messing around with converting to an externalized mongo DB.

No, I don't do anything special or unique or odd with the unifi container startup. So I'm going to back up and then try your docker-compose script (separate containers), which calls the mongo image you stated so I think it should be OK. My Previous start looks like:
docker run --name ${sn} -h ${sn}${se} -d -p 3478:3478/udp -p 6789:6789 -p 8080:8080 -p ${sp}:8443 -p 8880:8880 -p 8843:8843 -p 10001:10001/udp -v ${pd}/cert:${dd}/cert -v ${pd}/data:${dd}/data -v ${pd}/logs:${dd}/logs goofball222/unifi
where variables $sn $sp $pd $dd are set prior to the run.