
Running outside of docker

Closed this issue · 3 comments

was running into "missing header file glibc_compat.h" when trying to run the makefile on an ubuntu desktop.


sudo touch /usr/include/glibc_compat.h

Build successfully completes at this point, but I'm left wondering if creating an empty header file if needed for the build isn't something the build files could do themselves

Can you please share the link from where are you following the instructions to reproduce this issue?

hi @Arjuna197 glibc_compat.h maybe you can copy it from here?
You can modify the main Makefile at line 39:

 39 ifeq ("$(CPU)", "k8")
 40   ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/include/glibc_compat.h)","")
 41   GLIBC_COMPAT_PATH := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))docker/glibc_compat.h
 42   $(shell sudo cp -f ${GLIBC_COMPAT_PATH} /usr/include)
 43   endif
 44 BAZEL_BUILD_FLAGS += --copt=-includeglibc_compat.h

only problem with this is that it requires sudo access

@Arjuna197 You are right, we can improve that part of our build system. Please do not use edgetpu-native repo, it was merged into this one. @Namburger pointed to the correct new location of glibc_compat.h file.